"If the divine creator has taken pains to give us delicious and exquisite things to eat, the least we can do is prepare them well and serve them with ceremony."
- Fernand Point

What's cooking?

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Old "Go-To"!

Okay, so truth be told, tonight's dinner wasn't homemade (by me anyway), wasn't the healthiest choice (although I believe it does contain food from the major food groups), and it isn't the norm, but when you either don't have time, or the desire to muster up the "Paula Deen" inside; pizza is a great "go-to"!

It's inexpensive, tasty, everyone loves it, and best of all; clean up is a cinch!!! So, while I try very hard to stay away from the easy, craptacular dinners, every now and then I welcome it!! And for the record, it sure was tasty!!! So when you find yourself in line for the "ready and waiting for you hot pizza", have at it! Indulge and enjoy!!! Afterall, they're there to make our lives easier aren't they? ;D

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