"If the divine creator has taken pains to give us delicious and exquisite things to eat, the least we can do is prepare them well and serve them with ceremony."
- Fernand Point

What's cooking?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pleasantly Surprised!

Well for those of you that do not read my regular blog: The Life of Cyn at http://cyngnaztus@blogspot.com, I'll take a moment to fill you in on some specifics. Four days ago I started the HCG diet and in 3 days lost 11.5 pounds! I think it's safe to say that we've all heard lots of comments about it. Some say they starve. Others say it's not healthy to only have 500 calories per day. I'm here to say that as of yet I have not felt hungry at all! I have been totally satisfied however I will say that the key to this is squashing the "mental" game that our minds will undoubtedly play on us.

I don't have breakfast usually other than coffee on this diet and my mind tells me that in the morning I should be eating toast or oatmeal or something of that nature. Truth is, I haven't been hungry at all during breakfast so I've chosen to save my "breakfast food" for a mid-morning snack. Ultimately I get 2 proteins, 2 vegetables, 2 fruits, and 2 crackers each day. And THAT'S all I get! I have a list to choose from which is pretty specific. Unlimited coffee (no creamer), tea, broth, or water. So I decided to take a picture and share what I ate today, sharing pictures of dinner so you can all see that it doesn't have to be bland and boring.

Breakfast was Starbuck's Pike Place coffee; black w/Stevia. Mid-morning snack was 1 apple. Then for lunch I had 100g (approximately 3.5 ounces of boneless/skinless chicken breast (all fat trimmed off) and 1 piece of melba toast (the second of which is shown below) with spinach.

I did not have an afternoon snack, rather I wanted to wait for dinner. I took another 100g of boneless/skinless chicken breast and seasoned it generously with salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, cajun spices (for some heat), dried cilantro leaves, and celery salt. I made a broth earlier in the day which consisted of 3 cups of boiled water and the spices mentioned above. I spooned some of the broth into a cast iron grill/skillet put in the asparagus which I seasoned with cajun seasonings, pepper, and kosher salt, and placed the chicken breast in the middle. I baked it for 30 minutes at 350 degrees. It came out delicious and very moist! I also had my second daily piece of melba toast,
and my second fruit which I chose an orange! It is filling, SO tasty, and couldn't be easier to make. Do I feel deprived? Nope! Am I hungry? Never (so far)! Can I keep this up? Yes I can! Would I love to snuggle up to a big ol' bag of Lay's chip? You betcha! But I won't because the truth is I have great energy, feel good, and let me tell you...there's NOTHING as satisfying as seeing the number on that scale get lower and lower! I am thrilled I tried this and hope to be blogging about my progress in days and weeks to come. Do I miss the junk food? Sometimes, but nothing tastes as good as losing weight feels. I was skeptical at first but I'm beginning to believe. Regardless I am genuinely and quite pleasantly surprised. ;D

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Old "Go-To"!

Okay, so truth be told, tonight's dinner wasn't homemade (by me anyway), wasn't the healthiest choice (although I believe it does contain food from the major food groups), and it isn't the norm, but when you either don't have time, or the desire to muster up the "Paula Deen" inside; pizza is a great "go-to"!

It's inexpensive, tasty, everyone loves it, and best of all; clean up is a cinch!!! So, while I try very hard to stay away from the easy, craptacular dinners, every now and then I welcome it!! And for the record, it sure was tasty!!! So when you find yourself in line for the "ready and waiting for you hot pizza", have at it! Indulge and enjoy!!! Afterall, they're there to make our lives easier aren't they? ;D